Mountain Memories – Ghosts and Hoolits

On the subject of ghosts – I remember Geordie Armstrong telling us this tale and it was later corroborated by Al Ward when I visited him recently. They were out practising for their North to South Scotland walk – way back in the 60’s. They approached the Lochivroan bothy along the so-called Destitution Road beside Loch a’ Bhraoin. It was an evil day and Al Ward; Goldie and Jim Crow had stopped short of the bothy while Geordie walked ahead. As Al and the others approached the bothy, Geordie kicked the door and gave a blood curdling screech causing the others to scatter to the four winds in terror at the ghost that had apparently leapt out of the bothy! As the others regrouped around the bothy with eyes bulging like organ stops, all that could be heard was Geordie laughing hysterically at the facial expression of his fellow troops! They carried on after this incident to fight their way up Mullach Choire Mhic Fhearchair in fearsome windy conditions and intended take in Beinn a Chlaibheimh before dropping down to overnight a Shenavall. However, as they struggled over Sgurr Ban, Jim Crow was lifted off his feet and blown over. This was the signal to get down off the high ground into the glen, which they did and then walked round via Achneigie to Shenavall. They settled in and were in the kitchen area having a brew when the door opened and this guy stood there in a green cagoule top and a kilt. The troops invited him in to share a cup of tea after he’d got his gear sorted. They heard him climb the ladder into the attic, then it went quiet, so Jim Crow (Michael Raven) went upstairs to reiterate their invitation to join them – but there was nobody there! Now if that wasn’t scary, about 15 years later a guy was staying with Al and Kate Ward in their B&B at Ballachulish and he told them the exact same story that had happened to him at Shenavall – the kilted green cagoule wearer appeared then disappeared. Kate and Al were taken aback by this revelation, so verified that there was no way that this story could have been told to this individual by any of Al’s party to this guy, but there was no connection – so double scary!

Lochivroan Bothy – site of the skirling’ banshee

Shenavall – who is the mystery kilted green cagoule wearer?

Benalder Cottage with its “ben the hoose” poltergeist!